This is what happens when you wait like a Sheep and think that God will solve all problems "with one wave of his hand".
- Mao Zedong killed about 80 million Chinese who did not resist
- Stalin (and Lenin) killed about 40 million Russians who did not resist (of which he liquidated over 5 million Soviet inhabitants in the "Holodomor" or "Famine") of which at least 3.9 million Ukrainians)
- The Khmer Rouge killed 1.4-2 million of their own population (out of 7 million) who did not resist
- The Turks killed 1.2 (out of 1.5) million Armenians who did not resist
- The Nazis killed 6 million Jews who did not resist.
- American Indians even resisted, but the whites euthanized most of them anyway (with blankets infected with typhus, for example (in concentration camps that were then called reservations)).
- And so on...
"At the end they came for you, but there was no one left to help you.
" THE GREATEST GENOCIDE IN HUMAN HISTORY: 1001 A.D. Arab and Turkish tribes invaded India and killed at least 400 million Indians (400,000,000) in a short span of time.
Have you PERHAPS NOTICED that the most people were killed by "LEFT" IDEOLOGY??? This is for "Liberals" and "left" Progressives.