German journalist Gerhard Wisnewski about the unvaccinated:
"Even if I was pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the most pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors. People who were capable of personality, such courage and critical ability are insufficiently the best of mankind. They are everywhere, of all ages, levels of education, conditions and beliefs. They are a special kind, they are soldiers that every Army of Light would like to have in its ranks. They are the parents every child wants and the children every parent dreams of. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of people who built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes. They did what others couldn't, they were a tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone and they thought they were the only ones. Banished from their families' tables at Christmas, nothing so gruesome had ever been seen. They lost their jobs, gave up their careers, ran out of money... but they didn't care. They endured unprecedented discrimination, condemnation, betrayal and humiliation... but they continued. Never before has there been such a "casting" in humanity, now we know who are the best on planet earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of any race and creed, unvaccinated, the chosen ones of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed. This is you, you have passed an unimaginable test that many of the greatest marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand. You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary people who are lights in the dark."
P.S.: Unbelievably, there is only one text with the biography of this man, and that is on the German Wikipedia. Nor any other. And that is THIS TEXT. And most of the world does not know German. So much for democracy and freedom of thought, expression and speech.
Wisnewski was already active as a journalist while studying in Frankfurt am Main. After finishing high school in 1979, he worked for Frankfurter Neue Presse and Bild Frankfurt. From 1981 to 1990, he studied political science in Munich. At the same time, he worked for various Munich newspapers (AZ, tz, Münchner Stadtzeitung) and magazines (Stern München, P.M. Magazin).
Wisnewski has worked as an author of books and films since 1986. He was the author of the film "File Number 11. 9. Unsolved" which was broadcast on WDR on June 20, 2003. Tobias Jaecker classified the film, which "does not even allow for an alternative interpretation" to the "most popular conspiracy theory claims" about September 11, 2001. presented there, as an anti-American discourse. In September 2003, Der Spiegel showed Wisnewski that he manipulated the statement of partner Ernie Stull in this film and the book on which it is based. WDR then ended the collaboration between Wisnewski and his co-author Willy Brunner. Since 2008, Wisnewski has published only outside established media. According to the American scholar Michael Butter, Wisnewski uses his cultural capital as a "defection" from the "mainstream media" to accuse them of censorship and manipulation particularly effectively.
Wisnewski, described in the text of his book Concealed, Covered Up, Forgotten - 2021 The Other Yearbook as "one of the pioneers of the current counter-zeitgeist", publishes frequently for Kopp Verlag and is an exclusive contributor to Kopp magazine; Spiegel Online writes that with his conspiracy theories on the publisher's website, Wisnewski has "a very particular explanation for almost every event in modern history" - thus contributing to the publisher's "mix of right-wing populism, criticism of capitalism and taboo". -breaking stance." He also writes for Jürgen Elsässer's right-wing populist magazine Compact. Journalist Hans Rauscher calls Wisnewski in the Standard "a supreme conspiracy theorist" who uses Internet communication, including YouTube videos, as a "popular tool" to this end. According to Jürgen P. To Lang, Wisnewski appears as a "star" at Compact magazine events, which are mostly attended by the losers of modernization, and he presents himself and his listeners as victims of an all-powerful alliance of politics and media that dominates the public and is controlled by Western governments - it seeks to "enslave the rest of humanity". He regularly speaks at the "Congress of Alternative Knowledge", which is organized by politicians from the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD) (which bothers the "liberals" -> AfD) and where other people like Eva Herman and Michael Friedrich Vogt appear with theses about conspiracy theory.
When in 2012 the operator of the Islamist website Muslim-Markt Yavuz Özoguz organized a visit to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in which Jürgen Elsässer and Wisnewski, among others, participated in addition to Özoguz, the visit was in light of Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust and Israel's right to exist, harshly criticized as legitimizing the Iranian regime. (which is a regime only for the "western free world" - otherwise that regime is legally elected). In June 2018, Wisnewski WON A LAWSUIT before the Higher Regional Court in Cologne, brought by Richard Gutjahr against him for a passage in the book that was covered up - covered up - forgotten, because "Wisnewski's account was too vague" to "even qualified as suspicious reporting."
Wisnewski became known for his conspiracy theory books about the Red Army Fraction, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the moon landing. In these books, he proposes the interpretation that the RAF attacks from 1985 to 1991 were not carried out by the RAF, that the September 11, 2001 attacks were not planned by al-Qaida, and that there was no manned moon landing in 1969. In this context, the media scholar Christian de Simoni talks about "interpretations offered by esoteric paranoiacs", among whom is Wisnewski. Jörg Lau wrote in 2003 that Wisnewski is an example of the most successful conspiracy theorists today. He classified him among the "previously spontaneous anarchists and fringe figures of the red-green milieu, who dominate the scene" instead of the previously dominant "type of rigid, authority-fixated weirdo". In his book "Confidential Terror" he shows who has ruled the world with fear since 2007.
Wisnewski speculates that all major recent terrorist attacks, including attacks among religious groups in Iraq, could be linked to a conspiracy between governments and secret services (see False Flag), especially secret , outside the official explanations - of the American government's plan for world domination. Wisnewski has repeatedly applied this hypothesis to current events, for example in 2015 after the attack on Charlie Hebdo with a commentary on Kopp Online and the book "The truth about the attack on Charlie Hebdo" - that it is the cornerstone of totalitarian Europe. Wisnewski also doubts the operation and existence of the right-wing extremist terrorist cell of the National Socialist underground, which Der Freitag describes as the "phantom NSU" thesis and puts it in the context of similar statements from the wings of the entire media spectrum from right-wing populists to right-wing extremists.
In the case of the Austrian politician Jörg Haider, who died in a car accident in October 2008, Wisnewski speculates about the possibility of a planned attack, and according to historian Claus Oberhauser, he "approaches conspiracy theory" and "falls into crazy thoughts" and "bizarre speculations" (Hellwig Valentine). Regarding the fire in Notre-Dame in Paris in 2019, Wisnewski wrote that Islamists or Satanists or the French state, which set it on fire, could be behind it, so that donors would finance the restoration of the dilapidated world cultural heritage. Regarding the 2019 wildfires in the Amazon rainforest, he argued that satellite images only show fires in the annual sugar cane harvest or that non-governmental organizations started the fires to discredit Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Regarding the case of Walter Lübcke's murder, he suggested that the crime may have occurred for reasons related to Lübcke's private and business environment, and Wisnewski described the attack on the Halle synagogue in 2019 as "setting up an orgy on Yom Kippur and as propaganda against of German national ideas and against suspicions of the Holocaust. He also believes that world hunger would resolve itself if more CO2 were released into the atmosphere. Since 2008, Wisnewski has published annual reviews entitled Covered Up - Covered Up - Forgotten, in which events from the past tries to explain away "unsustainable" conspiracy theories. He attributed the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake to the fact that CERN's particle research center "probably fired neutrino beams" toward L'Aquila. Wisniewski wrote in the 2020 yearbook that the attack there was not a rampage in Hanau but a "gang war", and in 2021 he claimed that the attack on the Reichstag in August 2020 was staged by the police and that the woman who called the police was an undercover police officer. Spiegel Online calls the book series "a vademecum for conspiracy theorists", due to the books' wide distribution. His Retrospectives were published by Knaur-Verlag until 2015, and from 2013 to 2015 they reached first place on the bestseller list in Germany. Before the 2016 yearbook was released, Knaur split from Wisnewski over his statements on the refugee crisis; Since then, the series has been published by Kopp-Verlag. Denis Scheck described the 2017 yearbook as "the home book of conspiracy theorists" and commented that it was a "crazy collection of 'alternative facts'" against "the last shred of sanity in public discourse". Alex Rühle wrote of the 2018 yearbook that the “bad thing” about it is “neither the clumsiness of its arguments nor the amateurishness of its statements; neither the helpless language in which all this is crushed, nor the pseudo-logical arguments that seek to simulate seriousness and causality. The bad thing is that this book has been sold thousands of times." All this points to an "epistemic crisis in the Western world", that the common ground of factual knowledge is increasingly being eroded.
Wisnewski considers the "conspiracy theory accusation" to be the "greatest seal of authenticity". He is "always proof of the conspiracy itself". Because of Wisnewski's statements in the refugee crisis, the SPD Rottenburg city association, supported by politicians from other parties, unsuccessfully called on the publishing house Kopp to distance itself from her in September 2015. On Kopp Online, Wisnewski declared the "refugee wave" a "defensive case" and described refugees as "weapons" and German politicians as "remotely controlled zombies", and at the same time as "masters" of the crisis, which was "artificially created". The mayor of Rottenburg, Stephan Neher, called Wisnewski's statements "hair on the head", "scary" and poorly researched, while journalist Peter Nowak wrote that with such statements, Wisnewski belongs to authors like Udo Ulfkotte or Jürgen Elsässer who are "in a real, humane way - part of the xenophobic spectrum.".